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True Country

From the two-time winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award, the UTS Reviews describes Kim Scott's True Country as ' . . . a daring and passionate literary intelligence.'

Billy, a young school teacher, arrives in Karnama, a remote settlement in Australia's far north, in search of his own history, his Aboriginality, and his future. Gradually the outsider is drawn in, and finds himself engaging deeply, irrevocably, not only with the moments of desolation and despair, but also with the great heart and spirit of the people. Finally the exile enters the true country.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 1,993 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Kim Scott
| Book Pages: 304 | Book Dimensions: 14.2 cm, 2.21 cm, 20.6 cm | Book Publisher: Fremantle Press

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