Theatre of Marvels

An immersive historical debut which tells the story of a mixed-race woman who plays a freak on the stage in Victorian London and finds herself caught in a reckoning with her own identity.

Zillah's star turn as the Great Amazonia has taken her from the slums of St Giles to headline billing at Crillick's Variety Show on Drury Lane. She's proud of her Black and British roots but if audiences discover she is fooling them each night, her existence will be shattered.

When a fellow stage act goes missing, Zillah determines to save her - for she knows better than anyone the dangers that hide within gaslit streets of London.

Her pursuit of the truth takes her through the underbelly of the city to the parlours of Mayfair — and sees her caught in web of lies, and between two powerful male admirers.

Everyone is playing a part and everyone has secrets they'll protect at any cost.

Will Zillah face ruin — or will she be the maker of her fate?

ISBN: 9781529158595 | Published: 30 May 2023 (first published 2022) | Paperback | 432 pages

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