The Asian Market Cookbook

How to Find Superior Ingredients to Elevate Your Asian Home Cooking

Asian markets are ideal for finding ingredients for a variety of Asian dishes — in addition to often having a bigger selection, ingredients are often cheaper at these local markets, and more authentic to boot. But navigating these markets can have a steep learning curve, especially for novices who may not know where to begin.

Luckily, celebrity chef Vivian Aronson has you covered. She's an expert at traversing the ins and outs of Asian markets, and in this book, she'll break down staple ingredients in Asian cuisine while also providing recipes that are ideal for home cooks. If you want to know the difference between sesame paste and miso paste, or between dried noodles and hand-made noodles, this book is ideal for you.

Plus, in addition to explaining these crucial recipe components, Vivian also includes delicious recipes: once you've learned about these exciting ingredients, you'll want to start cooking with them immediately. Try your hand at making Sichuan Jelly Noodles, or Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce, all with ingredients from your local Asian market.

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Book Publication Year: 2,022 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Pages: 168

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