Spirits Abroad

Drawing inspiration from Asian myth, folklore and her own queer experience, the award-winning Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho will guide you from the mundane to the magical, to enchanted realms inhabited by dragons, vampires and incorrigible grandmothers.

We’ll meet an elderly ex-member of parliament, who recalls her youthful romance with an orang bunian. This was forbidden. Not because her lover was an invisible jungle spirit, but because she was Muslim and he was not. Then a teenage vampire struggles to balance homework, bossy aunties, first love . . . and eating people. A mischievous matriarch returns from the dead to disrupt her own funeral rites, pitting granddaughter against granddaughter. An earth spirit becomes entangled in protracted negotiations with an annoying landlord. And Chang E, the Chinese moon goddess, spins off into outer space – the ultimate metaphor for diaspora. 

Across nineteen sparkling stories, this is a journey into magical new worlds of the imagination.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,021 | Book Binding: Trade paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Zen Cho
| Book Pages: 352 | Book Dimensions: 153 mm, 29 mm, 232 mm | Book Publisher: Tor UK

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