Speak Up, Speak Out
Make yourself heard.
Having your voice heard at work can be challenging, whether you're confronting a colleague about an inappropriate comment or trying to avoid being talked over by a male peer. But you can find ways to raise issues without raising your voice.
Speak Up, Speak Out provides the research, advice, and practical tips you need to address issues large and small. From talking about sexual harassment to handling micro-aggressions to breaking through subconsciously gendered conversational patterns, you'll find the insight and sample language you need to be heard.
This book will inspire you to:
Address and redirect an inappropriate conversation
Step in when you witness questionable behaviour
Break ingrained conversational habits like apologising and complimenting
Deal with interrupters and those who habitually speak over others
ISBN: 9781647822224 | Published: 1 June 2022 | Paperback | 208 pages
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