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Something stirs beneath Hell's Kitchen!

For months, the bloodthirsty and demonic Demagoblin has been kidnapping children for reasons unknown. Now, Daredevil and Echo discover why as Demagoblin works to wake an ancient and powerful evil deep within the bowels of the city - one that has ties to both the Man Without Fear and the woman who briefly hosted the Phoenix Force! It falls to Maya and Matt to save not only the children, but also everyone in New York.

A mysterious warrior from the past may hold the key to victory, but whose side is she on? And with something hellish going on, how long until Ghost Rider finds himself drawn into the battle? Plus: Thrilling tales that demonstrate why Elektra is the most dangerous person in the Marvel Universe!

Collecting DAREDEVIL & ECHO #1-4 and ELEKTRA (2022) #100.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Science Fiction Graphic Novels
  • Marvel Comics & Graphic Novels
  • Superhero Comics & Graphic Novels
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,023 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Taboo
  • Marvel Various
  • Phil Noto
| Book Pages: 136 | Book Dimensions: 16.89 cm, 0.53 cm, 25.88 cm | Book Publisher: Marvel Universe

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