We the Animals cover image

We the Animals

The spellbinding debut novel from the winner of the National Book Award: three brothers come of age in a poverty stricken town in upstate New York

Three brothers tear their way through childhood - smashing tomatoes all over each other, building kites from rubbish, hiding when their parents do battle, tiptoeing around the house as their mother sleeps off her graveyard shift.

Paps and Ma are from Brooklyn - he's Puerto Rican, she's white. Barely out of childhood themselves, their love is a serious, dangerous thing. Life in this family is fierce and absorbing, full of chaos and heartbreak and the euphoria of belonging completely to one another.

From the intense familial unity felt by a child to the profound alienation he endures as he begins to forge his own way in the world, this beautiful novel reinvents the coming-of-age story in a way that is sly and incredibly powerful.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Coming of Age Fiction
  • Gay Fiction
  • Contemporary Literature & Fiction
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,025 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Justin Torres
| Book Pages: 144 | Book Publisher: Granta

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