The Stormy Sea

This is the story of the Vietnamese boat people — a real-life drama and action at sea, depicting the best and worst of humanity under adversity, trying to survive the journey fleeing Saigon

The Stormy Sea is a true story about ordinary men coming together to protect the vulnerable fleeing Vietnam on the Southern Cross ship. The band of brothers dealt with everything from pirates, birth, fire and flooding on board to organising their own rescue from the Indonesian island where the Southern Cross eventually ran aground.

To this day, the author still remembers in detail the calm water and the smell of diesel on the fishing trawler he was cramped in all night with his family.

Lawrence was appointed leader on the ship backed by the European Captain and his crew to lead the 1,200 refugees on the deck of the Southern Cross. This was prompted by a gang of young men confiscating food and extorting money for instant noodles. Lawrence realised his five young children wouldn't stand a chance of surviving had he not taken charge.

ISBN: 9789815058154 | Published: 10 January 2023 | Paperback | pages

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