The Muse and other Stories

An anthology of novella and short stories with supernatural elements based on Malaysia's multi-culture beliefs and myths

The Muse and Other Stories is a collection of dark stories from the author of Not A Monster and Without Anchovies.

An elderly editor discovers the secret of an author and his muse, and tries to save him from the curse of a vengeful spirit.

The Afterlife is in great trouble, and a young man is enlisted by a high-ranking demon to save it.

A deceased murderer is offered the salvation of his soul, but only if he is willing to commit another murder.

After an encounter with a long-lost childhood friend, a young woman discovers the horrific truth about her father.

A young man is tormented by his unborn child.

These unsettling stories confronts not only the supernatural elements that surround us, but the darkness of our hearts.

The scariest part is often the consequences of the choices made by ordinary persons like us.

ISBN: 9789815058963 | Published: 12 September 2023 | Trade paperback | pages

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