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Smoke Encrypted Whispers

Now included in UQP's First Nations Classics series with an introduction from Tony Birch, Smoke Encrypted Whispers is a stunning collection of exhilarating poems, urban songlines and ancestral ties that have become the hallmarks of this poet.

Reading this book is, as Tony Birch points out, 'like witnessing Bruce Springsteen meet the Dreamtime'.

Smoke Encrypted Whispers
 showcases Samuel Wagan Watson's imaginative brilliance and exceptional poetic skills. In this book, which also includes work from three previous collections, his poems pulse with the language and images of a mangrove-lined river city, the beckoning highway, the just-glimpsed muse, the tug of childhood and restless ancestors. Wagan Watson's poetry is the work of an artist who speaks to a sense of our common humanity, and to a communal attachment to place.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Samuel Wagan Watson
  • Tony Birch
| Book Pages: 192 | Book Dimensions: 12.8 cm, 1.5 cm, 19.71 cm | Book Publisher: University of Queensland Press

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