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A transformative path for women to reclaim their power in a world all too eager to strip it away

Women know what it's like to feel powerless. We have had power diminished, taken from us and used over us. Yet the strongest, most enduring power is built internally.

When you tap into the power that comes from within, you have the capacity to rebuild yourself. You give yourself the opportunity to break free from chronic people-pleasing and start making choices that align with your needs and values. You stop living and leading with apology, and instead use your power to create a life of true joy and fulfilment.

In POWER, renowned leadership coach Kemi Nekvapil introduces a new framework for cultivating your power from the inside out. Through the principles of Presence, Ownership, Wisdom, Equality and Responsibility, POWER invites you to choose power for yourself and on your own terms.

Drawing on stories from her own extraordinary life, and from the lives of leaders, gamechangers and everyday women who've learned to step into their power, Nekvapil shows you how to practise, build and feel your inner force.

'This book is a miraculous event.' - Elizabeth Gilbert, from the foreword

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,022 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Kemi Nekvapil
| Book Pages: 352 | Book Dimensions: 13 cm, 2.21 cm, 19.71 cm | Book Publisher: Penguin

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