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Play With Your Cat!

The expert guide to a happier and healthier feline

What does a cat need besides food, a comfortable home and access to veterinary care? Play!

This practical guide from leading cat behaviour scientist Mikel Delgado explains how interactive play is at the centre of your cat's overall health. Revealing how it mimics the hunting experience that shaped cats' evolution, Play With Your Cat! includes:

- Advice on selecting toys and setting up your home environment for the perfect play session
- Guidance on specific play techniques to exercise your cat's body and mind
- Tips on engaging nonchalant, anxious and uninterested kitties
- How to use play to address specific behavioural issues like aggression and litter-box avoidance.

With charming illustrations to demonstrate different techniques and evidence-based advice to help you deepen your relationship with your furry friend, this is an essential handbook for cat owners everywhere.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Mikel Delgado
| Book Pages: 272 | Book Dimensions: 13.41 cm, 2.59 cm, 21.59 cm | Book Publisher: Souvenir Press

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