Kingdom of Blood and Gold

Five Elementals. A fallen kingdom. One survivor to restore it.

Following the events of last winter, Desert Rose flees the Oasis Kingdom with the rogue prince Wei, his mother, and a newfound magical power in tow.

When she learns that her father’s soul is trapped in the Darklands and can only be freed if the prophesied Elemental finds the spring, Desert Rose sets out to eliminate the other Elementals — starting with the one found in Oasis Kingdom’s biggest enemy, Lettoria. Meanwhile, in the Oasis Kingdom, newly crowned emperor Meng finds his position jeopardised by the return of his older brother, the exiled Prince Han. To secure the throne (and his life), he travels to Lettoria with his secret assassin Windshadow and proposes an alliance.

As their fates cross again, Desert Rose and Windshadow must join hands to defeat the Metal Elemental while Wei and Meng collude to restore the kingdom-and home-they left behind. But when Lettoria and Oasis Kingdom finally clash in a long-brewing war, Han reveals his dark ambition and a secret weapon that will unmake the kingdom and threaten the fates of all involved . . . a weapon that only an Elemental can destroy.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Year: 2,023 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Joyce Chua

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