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Jagun: A First Nations Colouring Book

Pronounced jooh-gun, meaning Country in Bundjalung language.

Jagun celebrates the land, sky, waters, flora and fauna that together form Country. There is no part of the natural world that is not interconnected with First Nations culture or kin. Exploring her own identity, Holly Sanders invites you on a journey to sing, dance and colour as you discover that Country is more than just a place.

Jagun is the third title in the bestselling First Nations Colouring series. It follows on from Mulganai and Nardurna. All of these books are ally friendly and are made to be enjoyed by everyone.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Holly Sanders
| Book Pages: 80 | Book Dimensions: 24.89 cm, 1.09 cm, 24.99 cm | Book Publisher: Thames & Hudson Australia

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