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A searing work of modern fiction tracing a man's decline into the depths of addiction

Taking the form of a diary, Iced charts the life of forty-four-year-old Cornelius Washington. Initially brimming with talent and ambition, his dabbles with drugs as a young man gradually turn into a destructive addiction.

Moving between the harsh realities of his present and the adventures and upheavals of his past, as Cornelius encounters a host of characters both intriguing and terrifying, Iced is at once a shocking account of the addict's life, and a compelling and often uplifting tale of human love and loss.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • unknown author
| Book Pages: 336 | Book Dimensions: 12.9 cm, 2.01 cm, 19.81 cm | Book Publisher: Canongate PBS

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