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Home in the World

The extraordinary early life in India and England of one of the world's leading public intellectuals

Where is 'home'? For Amartya Sen, home has been many places — Dhaka in modern Bangladesh, the little university town of Santiniketan, where he was raised as much by his grandparents as by his parents, Calcutta where he first studied economics and was active in student movements, and Trinity College, Cambridge, to which he came aged 19.

Home in the World shows how Sen's experience shaped his ideas — about economics, philosophy, identity, community, famines, gender inequality, social choice and the power of discussion in public life. The joys of learning and the importance of friendship are powerfully conveyed. He invokes some of the great thinkers of the past and his own time — from Ashoka in the third century BC and Akbar in the sixteenth, to David Hume, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Maurice Dobb, Kenneth Arrow and Eric Hobsbawm.

Above all, Sen emphasises the importance of enlarging our views as much as we can, of human sympathy and understanding across time and distance, and of being at home in the world.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,021 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Amartya Sen
| Book Pages: 480

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