Children of the Alley cover image

Children of the Alley

Translated by Peter Theroux

Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Naguib Mahfouz, offers this epic story of a single alley in Cairo and the generations that passed through it.

A tumultuous neighbourhood known as 'the alley' has seen successive heroes rise and fall as they struggle to defend the rights left to them by their great ancestor, Gebelawi.

From the supreme feudal lord who disowns one son for pride and puts another to the test, to the saviour who tries to free his people from bondage, the men and woman of the alley seem unable to stop themselves from reenacting the lives of their holy forbearers. Through their successes and failures, the spiritual history of humankind is revealed.

Hailed as the single most important writer in modern Arabic literature (Newsweek), Naguib Mahfouz displays the richness and variety of his storytelling in this Egyptian literary classic.

A powerful allegory of human suffering and striving. New York Times
Immensely entertaining and deeply serious. Chicago Tribune

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Naguib Mahfouz
  • Peter Theroux
| Book Pages: 576 | Book Dimensions: 12.9 cm, 2.92 cm, 19.81 cm | Book Publisher: Apollo

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