Black Candle Women

Richly imagined and elegantly told, with plenty of satisfying secrets, heartaches, and twists. A spellbinding romp, the Montrose women will have you clutching your pearls on this rollercoaster of a debut. This book will have you asking yourself, who amongst us isn't cursed? More importantly, how far would you go for a chance at love?

'All of you are cursed, you hear me? An ugly death for the ones with whom you fall in love'

For generations, the Montrose women have lived alone with their secrets, their delicate peace depending on the unspoken bond that underpins their family life — Voodoo and hoodoo magic, and a decades-old curse that will kill anyone they fall for.

When seventeen-year-old Nickie Montrose brings home a boy for the first time, this careful balance is thrown into disarray. For the other women have been keeping the curse from Nickie, and revealing it means that they must reckon with their own choices and mistakes.

As new truths emerge, the Montrose women are set on a collision course that echoes back to New Orleans' French Quarter, where a crumbling book of spells may hold the answers that all of them have been looking for…

Written with warmth and an eye for detail, Diane Marie Brown's Black Candle Women explores the bonds of family and the magical power of belief to transform our lives

ISBN: 9781035404247 | Published: 28 February 2023 | Trade paperback | 336 pages

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