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Australian Short Stories No. 67

This is the final issue of Australian Short Stories quarterly magazine to be produced by Bruce Pascoe and Lyn Harwood.

We hope an institution or individual will keep it going so that new Australian talent can be showcased and encouraged.

The magazine as always has a mixture of men and women, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal and migrant Australians.

This volume includes new stories by: Marie Munkara, Merlinda Bobis, Rachel Bin Salleh, Claire Aman, Alan Jackson, Brad Steadman, Dianne Kelly, Jim Berg, Tony Birch, David Whish-Wilson, Julia Prendergast, Melissa Lucashenko, Roger Vickery & Ian Hood, Graham Sheil, Leslie Thiele, and Maureen O’Keefe.

We wish you well and if you to be locked down at least you will have something to read. But be careful, the short story is far more contagious than covid.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,021 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Bruce Pascoe
  • Lyn Harwood
| Book Pages: 125

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