The New Age of Empire

How Racism and Colonialism Still Rule the World

An essential work outlining the origin and ongoing reality of global racism, from Britain's leading authority on Black Studies.

The New Age of Empire destroys the self-congratulatory myth that the West was founded on the three great revolutions of science, industry and politics. Instead, genocide, slavery and colonialism are the key foundation stones upon which the West was built, and we are still living under this system today — America is now at the helm, perpetuating global inequality through business, government, and institutions like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.

The West is rich because the Rest is poor. Capitalism is racism. The Enlightenment, which underlies every part of our foundational philosophy today, was and is profoundly racist.

A work of essential clarity, The New Age of Empire is a groundbreaking new account of our place in our profoundly corrupt global system.

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Format: Paperback

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Hardback, Paperback

Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,021 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Kehinde Andrews
| Book Pages: 288

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