A West African Fantasy EpicInspired by West African folklore and stories handed over centuries, this unique graphic novel follows the adventures of Mansou, last prince of a dying kingdom, and...
The Black Tulip
New translation by Robin Buss, with chronology, further reading, explanatory notes. Set at the height of the "tulipomania" that gripped Holland in 17th century, this is the story of Cornelius...
Shades of Black
Translated by Gila Walker One might say that the womb of death — the Middle Passage, slavery, and colonisation — gave birth to Black populations. Taking this observation as her...
The Thousand and One Ghosts
The Thousand and One Ghosts – here presented in its first and only translation into English – is a gloriously macabre work by the celebrated author of The Three Musketeers...
The Death of Comrade President
A poignant tale of family and revolution in postcolonial Africa, from one of the continent's greatest living novelists. In Pointe-Noire, in the small neighbourhood of Voungou, on the family plot...
Blind Spot
Translated by Gila Walker In Blind Spot, Myriam Tadessé exposes the difficulty, even the impossibility, for France to truly understand and celebrate the lived realities of mixed or biracial French...
The Three Musketeers
Translated by Will Hobson All for one, and one for all! The young D'Artagnan and the legendary musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis are 'the inseparables' — ready to sacrifice everything...