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E. X. O. (The Legend of Wale Wiliams, Vol. 2)

What happens when you infuse the likenesses, ambitions, and desires of legendary warriors and conquerors with an advanced AI? Well, you get a psychotic android named AVON, who goes rogue and concocts a plan to "reset" humanity!

E.X.O. Volume 2 picks up right where it's award-winning Afrofuturist epic predecessor left off, as Wale Williams — aka tech-savvy superhero EXO — tries to save humanity!

An Afrofuturist superhero story about redemption set in the bustling metropolis that is Lagos, Nigeria — with a creative team that's also from Lagos! This Dark Horse edition will collect the YouNeek Studios editions of the same material (YouNeek editions E.X.O. Volumes 3 and 4)

**Explore the YouNeek YouNiverse! Extraordinary fantasy and superhero stories inspired by African history, culture, and mythology — created by the best Nigerian comics talent!**

ISBN: 9781506723020 | Published: 23 November 2021 | Paperback | 280 pages

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