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Static: Up All Night

VIRGIL (aka STATIC) can do amazing things with his vast array of electrical abilities, but instantly mending a broken heart isn’t in his skill set.

Virgil Hawkins has just gone through a bad break up. He can’t get over his ex, so his best friend Richie has an idea for how to distract him: attend a music festival in their city of Dakota. But wouldn’t you know it—his ex is in attendance. And that’s just the beginning of his troubles.

A series of encounters and events leads to an all-night adventure involving super villains, a diner, a reluctant rapper, and a size-changing kleptomaniac, as well as Virgil’s frequent bad decision making. But in the end, with the help of his friends, Virgil will find he can move on from a broken heart.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Teen & Young Adult Superhero Comics
  • DC Comics & Graphic Novels
  • Science Fiction Manga
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Lamar Giles
  • Paris Alleyne
| Book Pages: 208 | Book Dimensions: 15.29 cm, 1.3 cm, 22.71 cm | Book Publisher: DC Comics

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