Butter by Asako Yuzuki | Review

BUTTER! A 400-and-something page book that I devoured (hah) in two sittings, this book explores the intersections of food, class, gender expectations and societal norms, all through the lens of an investigative journalist spiralling into obsession 🧈🔪

Based on the true crimes of the 'konkatsu killer', it hits on some of the more unpleasantly unique characteristics of Japanese society's obsession with the 'perfect woman' (including beauty standards and gender roles) and the perils of internalised misogyny and fatphobia. It's actually also a genuinely heart-warming and endearing book. Alongside the journalistic angle, there's a character-led story of found family, so much to learn about the joys of cooking and eating, and a vivid portrait of finding connection in an isolating world.

One to pick up if you were a fan of the social analysis in Kim Jiyoung, Born 1984 by Cho Nam-Joo but would've liked it with a bit more intrigue! (I also haven't shut up about this book in literal months and convinced my mum to buy it in the original Japanese, sooooOOOOOOOO).

I'll read basically anything if I'm interested in the social commentary it offers, but in this one, I reeeeeally wanted to know: did Kajii DO IT? And maybe even more importantly — HOW DO I MAKE THE PERFECT BEEF BOURGINON? (I'm a vegetarian 😭)

NOT to be read on an empty stomach (reading this literally made my tummy grumble). DEFINITELY to be read if you have easy access to high quality butter!

Butter by Asako Yuzuki | Review

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