The Silence of the Choir cover image

The Silence of the Choir

Seventy-two men arrive in the Sicilian countryside. They are "immigrants", "refugees" or "migrants". But in Altino, they are called the ragazzi, the 'guys' that the Santa Marta Association have taken responsibility for. And their presence changes the course of life in this small Sicilian town.

While they await their fate, the ragazzi encounter all kinds of people: a strange vicar who rewrites their pasts, a woman committed to offering them asylum, a man determined to refuse it, an older ragazzo who has become an interpreter, and a reclusive poet who no longer writes.

Each character, wherever they may come from, is forced to reflect on what it means to meet people they know nothing about. As each brings a different view, a cacophony of discordant voices resonates to the end, when the final one reduces the choir to silence.

Translated by Alison Anderson

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
| Book Pages: 368 | Book Dimensions: 13.49 cm, 1.93 cm, 21.01 cm | Book Publisher: Europa Editions

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