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A Consequence of Sequence

The aftermath of a life seized by two tumours

Merely not dying is not really living - the grief and angst of coping with tumours, strokes, seizures.

After suffering strokes, general practitioner Dr. Idayu Maarof underwent major surgery to remove a heart valve tumour believed to have caused the strokes. Unfortunately, what seemed to be the end of a journey was only the beginning of an even more arduous one. Her symptoms evolved to multiple episodes of daily seizures.

To control the seizures, she was put in a medically induced coma. A mysterious brain lesion became the prime suspect, but no one was certain. She later underwent two surgeries to remove what appeared to be a brain tumour. Dr. Idayu Maarof contextually concludes how a sequence of events and decisions led to a particular consequence.

This is not an account about being ill. This is story of acceptance, gratitude, and the struggle for a life worth living.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,021 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Idayu Maarof
  • Mohd Firdaus Raih
| Book Pages: 204

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