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Confetti Realms

A group of teens are transported from a graveyard to another realm where they must collect teeth — and learn about themselves — in order to return home.

On Halloween night, when the moon is full, teenagers get up to mischief. But when an encounter with a giant, sentient puppet in a graveyard sends five teens to a mysterious dimension called the Confetti Realms, they must overcome obstacles in their own friendships–and collect the debted teeth owed to the puppet – in order to make their way home. But the allure of staying in a fantasy world is a hard one to beat, and going home to their normal lives is starting to sound less and less appealing for some. Will these friends return home?

Featuring a diverse cast of characters, this Tim Burton-esque, comedic, modern, and high-energy story is written by Eisner Award-winner Nadia Shammas, with art by Karnessa and colors by Hackto Oshiro.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Young Adult Coming of Age Comics & Graphic Novels
  • Teen & Young Adult Coming of Age Fiction
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,023 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Nadia Shammas
  • Karnessa
  • Hackto Oshiro
  • Micah Meyers
| Book Pages: 196 | Book Dimensions: 16.84 cm, 1.02 cm, 25.73 cm | Book Publisher: Maverick

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