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Peripathetic: Notes on (un)belonging

Peripathetic is an essay collection exploring globalised identities in flux. There was something so captivating about always being on the edge, on that shaky precipice of promise – something new...


*Highly Commended Fiction — Victorian Premier's Literary Awards 2021* 'Before I go into my grave,' she says out loud, 'I will kill that man.' A brilliant new novel from the...
Silver Sister (PL)

Silver Sister (PL)

Born into the grinding poverty of peasant life in the Chinese village of Lung Sun, Ah Pah had little expectation of ever venturing far from the village. But, orphaned at...
Between Water and the Night Sky

Between Water and the Night Sky

A hauntingly beautiful love story about the ties that bind from award-winning author, Simone Lazaroo.Elspeth is full of inexpressible longings — to leave behind her beginnings in a small wheatbelt...