The Kingsbury Tales
Kingsbury, Victoria is where poet Ouyang Yu has been based since he came from the People's Republic of China in 1991. It was here where he first came into contact and conflict with a very different culture and multiculture.
Set primarily in Australia, spiralling out of the Melbourne suburb of Kingsbury, and China with its 5000-year history, the slippage of identity is explored, and how societies invest or alter identity, is constantly under examination.
The Kingsbury Tales explores and depicts poetic characters in a similar way that Geoffrey Chaucer did many hundreds years ago in The Canterbury Tales. Ouyang Yu's The Kingsbury Tales are the poems of a traveller, an exile, a displaced poet, and a poet of two homes. The tension between these factors drives the poetry of this book.
ISBN: 9781876040826 | Published: 1 July 2008 | Paperback | 102 pages