ngayawanj bagan-nggul, ngayawanj barra barra-nggul | We belong to the land, We belong to the sea
ngayawanj bagan-nggul, ngayawanj barra barra-nggul is a collection of poems and stories in Dhurga and English, by students from Vincentia High School. The accompanying artwork, created by the students for the Community, honours the people and Country to which they belong.
The words and illustrations celebrate the students' deep relationship with the land and sea, revealing the places, animals and cultural practices that nourish, strengthen and inspire them all. These interconnected stories reveal that we, as a whole, are part of a greater narrative and therefore have an obligation to connect with and care for Mother Earth.
**Please note that the Dhurga language is never capitalised (except for the word Dhurga itself!).**