
Irreverent and courageous, Throat is a fierce cry that fights to be heard. This is van Neerven's most powerful work yet.

not in Aus, mate

bad things don't happen here

our beaches are open

they are not places where bloodied mattresses burn

Throat is the explosive second poetry collection from award-winning Mununjali Yugambeh writer Ellen van Neerven. Exploring love, language and land, van Neerven flexes their distinctive muscles and shines a light on Australia's unreconciled past and precarious present with humour and heart.

Van Neerven is unsparing in the interrogation of colonial impulse, and fiercely loyal to telling the stories that make us who we are.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,020 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Ellen van Neerven
| Book Pages: 152 | Book Publisher: University of Queensland Press

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