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A Ghost in Shining Armour

Once haunted . . .

Gemma Daniels has never been quite the “down to earth” woman her adoptive parents raised her to be. She even has a unique gift: she can see ghosts — and she likes helping them settle their unfinished business. But the hotter-than-hot stranger she impulsively kisses on a bet is not only a phantom, he's determined to help her. And the only way Gemma can explain his presence is to pretend they’re a real-life couple.

Twice shy . . .

Levi Walker lived — and died — to save his sister. Now he’s got a second chance at life if he assists Gemma in reuniting with her own long-lost sibling . . . and then never sees Gemma again. But as he starts to enjoy her irrepressible personality, he’s finding it hard to abide by any rules at all . . .

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • romance
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,023 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Therese Beharrie
| Book Pages: 320

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