The Murders of Molly Southborne (Molly Southborne #1)
Every time she bleeds a murderous clone is born. Experience the horror of Tade Thompson's The Murders of Molly Southbourne. The rule is simple: don’t bleed. For as long as...
The Survival of Molly Southborne (Molly Southborne #2)
Molly Southbourne returns with a vengeance. Who was Molly Southbourne? What did she leave behind? A burnt-out basement. A name stained in blood. Bodies that remember murder, one of them...
The Legacy of Molly Southborne (Molly Southborne #3)
The murderous clone-ballad of Molly Southbourne will come to its ultimate end. Long after the loss of the original, the last mollys feel their end approaching. Whenever Molly Southbourne bled,...