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Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales
You think you know these stories, don’t you? You are wrong. You don’t know them at all. Twelve tales, twelve dangerous tales of mystery, magic, and rebellious hearts. Each twists...
American Born Chinese
American Born Chinese an important story about race, shame and friendship. Now a major Disney + series staring Michelle Yeoh. A tour-de-force by New York Times bestselling graphic novelist Gene...
Once we were strangers,legs bent the wrong way,rough voices falling to the wind ...But in our hearts we wanted more than this. In our hearts, we knew there was more.'A...
Adorable Home Coloring Book
A Kawaii Collection of Cute and Creative Tiny Homes (Coloring Book for Adults) Embark on a journey of imagination and tranquility with this cute and unique coloring book filled with...
How to Connect, Share & Play Safely Online
A Manga Guide for Preteens, Teens and Parents An important book on how to stay safe online—presented in a fun manga style! Getting your first smartphone means joining an online...
When the World Was Soft: Yindjibarndi Creation Stories
A ground-breaking graphic novel sharing the stories of Yindjibarndi Creation-times in an immediate and engaging way for a contemporary audience. Yindjibarndi believe all creation is written in our landscape and...