
A Fraction of Momentary Love

A Fraction of Momentary Love

A Fraction of Momentary Love takes the reader on a poignant journey of love's allure, anguish, anticipation, and everything in between. Through vivid poetic storytelling inspired by pop culture romance...
blackbirds don't mate with starlings

blackbirds don't mate with starlings

From Sri Lankan-Australian poet Janaka Malwatta, a superb collection that directs its imagining towards a just future for the next generation.This is a work of activism, fury and hope. Its...
Unanimal, Counterfeit, Scurrilous

Unanimal, Counterfeit, Scurrilous

"His is either a well-oiled universe or a chaos huddled together…he's a mannish character, unanimal, counterfeit, scurrilous."Unanimal, Counterfeit, Scurrilous is a work of wild erudition and rococo elaboration, a collection...
The Wind Was Rising

The Wind Was Rising

Translated by Ouyang YuNa Ye’s poetry shows her as a woman relaxed at her work, smoking while staring inwardly at the outside world, focusing on her own inner world, seeking...
The Gleaner Song

The Gleaner Song

Translated by Dong LiSong Lin is one of China’s most innovative poets. When the Tiananmen protest exploded in Beijing in June 1989, Song led student demonstrations in Shanghai and was...