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The Snow Line (PL)

The Snow Line (PL)

Old and young. White and brown. Male and female. British. Indian. Other.Four strangers arrive in India for a wedding. Together, they climb a mountain - but will they see the...
The Mercies (PL)

The Mercies (PL)

On Christmas Eve, 1617, the sea around the remote Norwegian island of Vardø is thrown into a reckless storm. As Maren Magnusdatter watches, forty fishermen, including her father and brother,...
Kika and Me (PL)

Kika and Me (PL)

How One Extraordinary Guide Dog Changed My World The moving true story of Dr Amit Patel, who lost his sight in just thirty-six hours, and Kika, the guide dog who...
This is Why I Resist (PL)

This is Why I Resist (PL)

This book is the hard conversation we must have.In 2020 we have seen clearer than ever that Black people are still fighting for the right to be judged by the...