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The Most Secret Memory of Men

Paris, 2018. Diégane Latyr Faye, a young Senegalese writer, discovers a legendary book titled The Maze of Inhumanity. It has an immediate hold over him. No one knows what happened...


A West African Fantasy EpicInspired by West African folklore and stories handed over centuries, this unique graphic novel follows the adventures of Mansou, last prince of a dying kingdom, and...


Translated by Alexia TrigoMohamed Mbougar Sarr's searing and thought-provoking debut novel, Brotherhood takes place in the imaginary town of Kalep, where a fundamentalist Islamist government has spread its brutal authority.Under...
At Night All Blood is Black

At Night All Blood is Black

The prize-winning story of a Senegalese soldier in the trenches, told in hypnotic, powerful prose.Alfa Diaye and Mademba Diop are two of the many Senegalese tirailleurs who fight in the...
Beyond the Door of No Return

Beyond the Door of No Return

Translated by Sam Taylor From the author of the International Booker Prize-winning At Night All Blood is Black: a moving and immersive adventure story set in eighteenth century Senegal The...