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Walking through Fire
The Later Years of Nawal El Saadawi, In Her Own Words
In Walking through Fire, Nawal El Saadawi, author of Woman at Point Zero and one of the Arab world's greatest writers, tells the story of the later years of a life which shaped an iconic voice in global feminism.
Covering her life in Nasser's then Sadat's and Mubarak's Egypt, we learn about Saadawi's experience of marriage and motherhood, and we travel with her into exile after her life was threatened by religious extremists. Filled with warmth as well as critical reflection, this book reveals the later years of a remarkable life dedicated to the fight for justice and equality.
Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year:
| Book Binding: | Book Language: | Book Authors: | Book Pages: | Book Dimensions:
13.08 cm,
2.41 cm,
19.56 cm
| Book Publisher: | 
Walking through Fire