A West African Fantasy EpicInspired by West African folklore and stories handed over centuries, this unique graphic novel follows the adventures of Mansou, last prince of a dying kingdom, and...
Toyin Ojih Odutola: The UmuEze Amara Clan and the House of Obafemi
A seminal work by one of today’s most vital figurative artists explores the complexity of race, wealth, and class through storytelling and multimedia drawings. This extraordinary illustrated story – Toyin...
Tales of a Different History Memoria: stories from another History is the idea of a collective memory made up of a myriad of stories, stories, questions and experiences scattered in...
Frédéric Bruly Bouabré: World Unbound
This volume presents all 449 panels of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré's Alphabet Bété (1990-91) alongside several related works and a contextualizing essay by curator Smooth Nzewi.This publication will focus on the...
At Home in the World: A Memoir
For more than a half century, Ibrahim El-Salahi has been at the forefront of African modernism in the visual arts. A renowned artist, writer, critic, and teacher, El-Salahi continues to...
You Made a Fool of Death with your Beauty
A delightful, decadent romance, and a joyful celebration of Black excellence, from an award-winning author.It's the opportunity of a lifetime: Feyi is about to be given the chance to escape...