The Tiger's Share cover image

The Tiger's Share

The fiercest wars are fought between siblings.

Tara, a successful Dehli lawyer, is everything her younger brother isn't: dedicated, independent, thriving. When their beloved father retires, he summons them to a meeting. But what he has to say threatens to tear the family apart.

Tara's friend Lila has it all: a great job, a lovely home, a beautiful family. But when Lila's father dies unexpectedly, her brother wastes no time in claiming what he thinks is his.

Together, Tara and Lila are forced to confront the challenge that their ambition poses to patriarchal Delhi society.

Set against a backdrop of ecological collapse and political unrest, The Tiger's Share is both a family and a state-of-the-nation novel unlike anything else in contemporary Indian fiction.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Asian Literature
  • Family Life Fiction
  • Contemporary Literature & Fiction
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,025 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Keshava Guha
| Book Pages: 256 | Book Dimensions: 15.4 cm, 2.4 cm, 23.3 cm | Book Publisher: John Murray

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