The Parlour Wife cover image

The Parlour Wife

Kehinde must put everything on the line to find herself during a time of war.

Lagos, 1939

With the announcement of World War Two and a change that sends shockwaves through her family, Kehinde is forced to put aside her dreams of writing and become the third wife of Mr Ogunjobi.

Kehinde makes her peace by selling snacks at a small market. When she gets the chance to assist the leader of the Lagos Women’s Market Association, fighting for the rights the British are trying to take away, Kehinde finally feels useful again.

But if her husband finds out he’ll abandon her.

Can Kehinde find the courage to fight for herself and the other women of Lagos? Or will she remain a caged bird, a parlour wife, forever.

A poignant story of a young Nigerian woman, living with the consequences of a war her country didn’t choose.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Foluso Agbaje
| Book Pages: 384 | Book Dimensions: 12.9 cm, 2.69 cm, 19.81 cm | Book Publisher: One More Chapter

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