Rest in Peaches cover image

Rest in Peaches

Murder, Mayhem, Mascots. . .

Quinn Marcelo wouldn't necessarily win the award for Most Popular Person at her school, but unbeknownst to her peers, Quinn entertains them at every football, basketball, and baseball game―as Peaches the Parrot, her high school's God-like mascot.

When someone sabotages the legendary Peaches costume at the Homecoming Game, Quinn's left unmasked and humiliated. After all, Peaches' identity was a closely guarded secret and a point of pride for nearly everyone at Olivia Newton-John High. As if that wasn't enough, Little Peaches, a new, real parrot that the PTA got to enhance the Peaches Experience, is kidnapped right after Quinn's unmasking.

Determined to uncover the culprit, Quinn publicly unravels the lives of everyone in her path―including Tessa Banks, the most popular girl in school―in a no-holds-barred conspiracy-fueled investigation.

But when a killer starts going after the people implicated in Quinn's mascot disaster, she must race to uncover the truth behind her feathery faux-pas―before the truth kills her, too.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Teen & Young Adult Humorous Fiction
  • Lawyers & Criminals Humor
  • Teen & Young Adult Horror
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Hardcover | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Alex Brown
| Book Pages: 336 | Book Dimensions: 14.73 cm, 2.79 cm, 21.59 cm | Book Publisher: Page Street Kids

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