Rani Choudhury Must Die

Meghna and Rani used to be friends. Now they're bitter rivals. Or are they?

When Meghna fails to make it to the final round of a competition but her boyfriend Zak and her rival Rani do, she thinks things can't get much worse. Until she discovers Zak has been cheating on her. With Rani.

Soon she realises Rani is also a victim and they team up to expose Zak as a cheater in front of all the judges he is so eager to please. And as the two girls grow closer, they begin to question their feelings for one another and why they ever became enemies in the first place . . .

Rivals team up to get revenge on the boy who wronged them both in this new sapphic YA enemies-to-lovers novel by award-winning author Adiba Jaigirdar.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,025 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Authors:
  • Adiba Jaigirdar
| Book Pages: 400 | Book Publisher: Hodder Children's Books

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