Manhole Volume 2

The threat of a manmade global pandemic looms... From rising star manga artist Tetsuya Tsutsui comes a three-volume horror-thriller following two detectives as they untangle a string of mysterious deaths and come face to face with a much larger conspiracy

The situation is critical: for reasons unknown, mosquitoes carrying the filariasis parasite are still active, despite the winter season. Their proliferation brings the risk of a terrifying increase in the number of victims. With the possibility of a pandemic looming, Inspector Mizoguchi determinedly follows the trail of his number one suspect. But when he’s exposed to an infected individual, he’s suddenly racing against the clock. Will he survive long enough to solve the mystery?

This thrilling detective story with a biological horror hook will keep readers on the edge of their seat. Rising star manga artist Tetsuya Tetsui's Manhole is a tightly paced fight to prevent a pandemic as perplexing as it is deadly.

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Additional Information
Book Categories:
  • Seinen Manga
  • Horror Manga
  • Science Fiction Manga
| Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,024 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Tetsuya Tsutsui
| Book Pages: 210 | Book Dimensions: 13.59 cm, 1.65 cm, 18.42 cm | Book Publisher: Harry N. Abrams

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