Cave of My Ancestors: Vishwakarma and the Artisans of Ellora cover image

Cave of My Ancestors

Vishwakarma and the Artisans of Ellora

Exploring family stories reveals the rich history of a seventh-century Buddhist shrine.

As a young girl in Bombay, Kirin Narayan was enthralled by her father's stories about how their ancestors had made the ancient rock-cut cave temples at Ellora. Recalling those stories as an adult, she was inspired to learn more about the caves, especially the Buddhist worship hall known as the "Vishwakarma cave."

Immersing herself in family history, oral traditions, and works by archaeologists, art historians, scholars of Buddhism, Indologists, and Sanskritists, Narayan set out to answer the question of how this cave came to be venerated as the home of Vishwakarma, the god of making in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

Cave of My Ancestors represents the perfect blend of Narayan's skills as a researcher and writer. Her quest to trace her family's stories took her to Ellora; through libraries, archives, and museums around the world; and across disciplinary borders. Equal parts scholarship, detective story, and memoir, Narayan's book ably leads readers through centuries of history, offering a sensitive meditation on devotion, wonder, and all that connects us to place, family, the past, and the divine.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,025 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Kirin Narayan
| Book Pages: 272 | Book Dimensions: 15.24 cm, 1.73 cm, 22.86 cm | Book Publisher: *University of Chicago Press

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