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Sugar and Slate

A powerful, radiant memoir from writer and academic Charlotte Williams exploring the intertwined history of Wales, Africa and the Caribbean

The daughter of a white Welsh-speaking mother and a Black father from Guyana, Charlotte Williams' childhood world was one of mixed messages, dominated by the feeling that 'somehow to be half Welsh and half Afro-Caribbean was always to be half of something but never quite anything whole at all'.

Sugar and Slate tells the fascinating story of her journey of self-discovery, toing and froing between the small north Wales town where she grew up, Africa and the Caribbean. Blending memoir with historical research, Sugar and Slate delves deep into Black Welsh history, revealing the nation as home to one of the first interracial marriages in Britain in 1768, and a site of Britain's first major race riots in 1919.

Powerful, lyrical and intimate, Williams' experience casts light on Wales and Welshness, illuminating what it is to be racially marginalized within a community, which is itself marginalized within Britain, and offering a unique insight into the complex Black history of Wales.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,002 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Charlotte Williams
| Book Dimensions: 12.9 cm, 1.8 cm, 19.81 cm | Book Publisher: Penguin UK

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