2022 Releases

Somebody Loves You

Somebody Loves You

A teacher asked me a question, and I opened my mouth as a sort of formality but closed it softly, knowing with perfect certainty that nothing would ever come out...
What Happened to You?

What Happened to You?

Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing The Number 1 New York Times Bestseller Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road, and What Happened to You? provides powerful...


A road map for dismantling the fear and shame that keep you from living a free and authentic life.In the aftermath of stress, disappointment, and trauma, people often fall into...
Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic

Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic

How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal From ItThe transformative guide to recognising, preventing and healing trauma by Dr Paul Conti, with a foreword by Lady Gaga.Do the work...
You're Going to Be Okay

You're Going to Be Okay

16 Lessons on Healing After TraumaA hopeful and approachable book written by the creator of @HealingFromPTSD, the largest trauma healing community on Instagram, in which each chapter is inspired by...
Silence is a Sense

Silence is a Sense

A young woman spends her days watching the neighbours through their windows. She is a refugee, who has seen the failure of the Arab Spring in her homeland and who...