Somebody Loves You
A teacher asked me a question, and I opened my mouth as a sort of formality but closed it softly, knowing with perfect certainty that nothing would ever come out...
What Happened to You?
Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing The Number 1 New York Times Bestseller Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road, and What Happened to You? provides powerful...
A road map for dismantling the fear and shame that keep you from living a free and authentic life.In the aftermath of stress, disappointment, and trauma, people often fall into...
Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic
How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal From ItThe transformative guide to recognising, preventing and healing trauma by Dr Paul Conti, with a foreword by Lady Gaga.Do the work...
You're Going to Be Okay
16 Lessons on Healing After TraumaA hopeful and approachable book written by the creator of @HealingFromPTSD, the largest trauma healing community on Instagram, in which each chapter is inspired by...
Silence is a Sense
A young woman spends her days watching the neighbours through their windows. She is a refugee, who has seen the failure of the Arab Spring in her homeland and who...