The Arches of Gerrard Street

Murder. Migrants. Mafia. A small-town girl from Malaysia goes to London's Chinatown to uncover the truth behind the tragedy that befell her childhood sweetheart.

The shooting of her childhood friend in London's Chinatown has led Molly from Batu Pahat in Malaysia to the British capital to seek answers behind his murder. As she faces money problems, loneliness and the threat of gang violence, she is smitten by Iain at the same time her boyfriend from Singapore comes looking for her.

Can she uncover the truth behind the doors of this immigrant enclave shrouded in secrecy?

This is a coming-of-age novel about a young girl from a small town thrust into a big city trying to find her way back home to true love.

ISBN: 9789814882910 | Published: 14 September 2021 | Paperback | 268 pages

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