
For perhaps the first time in novel form, Benevolence presents an important era in Australia's history from an Aboriginal perspective.

Benevolence is told from the perspective of Darug woman, Muraging (Mary James), born around 1813. Mary's was one of the earliest Darug generations to experience the impact of British colonisation.

At an early age Muraging is given over to the Parramatta Native School by her Darug father. From here she embarks on a journey of discovery and a search for a safe place to make her home.

The novel spans the years 1816-35 and is set around the Hawkesbury River area, the home of the Darug people, Parramatta and Sydney. The author interweaves historical events and characters — she shatters stereotypes and puts a human face to this Aboriginal perspective.

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Additional Information
Book Publication Date: | Book Publication Year: 2,020 | Book Binding: Paperback | Book Language: en | Book Authors:
  • Julie Janson
| Book Pages: 356 | Book Publisher: Magabala Books

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